Sunday, March 29, 2009

A long time between bruxes

Well, I didn't realise that it was so long since I had posted here

Life has a nasty tendency to get in the way sometimes.


my big PEW boy has a name, Bubba, and an attitude. He is totally intolerant of other rats, so lives by himself.

I have also adopted two gorgeous black self brothers, and named them Thimble and Thread.

Thimble is the more outgoing of the two, and will actively seek me out to climb on, Thread would rather chill in his box and dash out for food.

AAAANNNDDDDD......GGMR* syndrome is alive and well

Today I went and chose my NEXT two ratlets. Two double rex brothers. The one with the curlier whiskers will be Needle, and the one with the black tummy spots will be Pin.

If I can ever get the bigger boys to sit still, I may even post pictures!! LOL

*GGMR Gotta Get More Rat(s), a phenomenon that usually appears on production of ratlets, but can also occur in pet stores and looking at pictures on the internet.

Monday, December 15, 2008

my own squishy, boofy boy-rat

I admit it, me and pet shops are a BAAADDDDD idea.

Had a doctors appointment today. Went OK....

Then came my downfall. Hubby and I went and had a look as a fish shop. He got 3 new cichlids and a filter thingie.

A few doors away was a pet shop....VERY bad idea. I saw male and female mice, and a plastic cage thing that was suppoesd to have a female rat in it. All the cages smelled bad, and the had some sort of wood shavings on the floors.

I didn't see a male far so good. Then I asked the shop person............

"Well I have one out the back, I suppose I can sell him, I don't need him to breed anymore"

Him was a Pink Eyed White, or PEW. He snuggled, he waved his whiskers, he BRUXED!!!!

a younger shop person was following me around (and commented that I looked very comfortable with this rat, I must be a "rat person") while I was asking hubby for this rat.(and making a fool of myself with ratty endearments)

We left with one PEW, a cage, drinking bottle and food, and a LOT less $$ than we went in with.

I came home and set up the cage. So far, my un-named rattie has shown a love of yoggies. Haven't seen him eat or drink anything else, but he gave me raisins and a pee. So far, so good.

I also set up a hammock, couldn't figure out how to hang it, so it's just on the wire. Im planning a trip to Bunnings or Clark Rubber. Get something to cover the bars with and rings for hanging the hammock.

Had PEW out for nearly an hour tonight, he mostly stayed in the hammock, on my lap, but he didn't object to being petted and scruffed. He also likes to be tickled under his chin

Last time I checked, PEW was huddled in the cage corner. I popped him into the hammock, it looks a lot more comfy than hard wires.

Will try and get a picture of PEW, and a proper name too. Will need another couple of hammocks, one to change out for cleaning, and one for "lap time"

Oh, and did I mention that I am not supposed to get rats until next year.......we are getting a cooling system installed in the house.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another rattie theme the tune of "My Favourite Things"

Argente and Berkshire and Rex curly whiskers
Topaz, and Downunder and Black eyes or no
Hooded and Silky and Cinnamon/Dove
These are a few of the Ratties I love

When the doe bites, when myco flares, when the kitts get out, I simply go squish all my favourite boofs.....and then I go count my rats!

Boggling and scritching and raspberry blowing
Raisins and hammocks, igloos, it's not snowing
Running and tumbling and huffing galore
These are all things us with ratties adore

When the doe bites, when myco flares, when I see more kitts, I simply go squish all my favourite boofs.....and then I go count my rats!

Planned litters, rat kisses, wonders in colors
Down Under or Silver and Black mixed with Grey
Pink eyed and Ruby, or just plain old dreamy
These are the rats that chase sadness away

When the doe bites, when myco flares, when I see more kitts, I simply go squish all my favourite boofs.....and then I go count my rats!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

long time between rodents

The time has come (and not a walrus in sight!!)

Confession time........

I haven't actually owned, or been owned by a rattie for 19-odd years.

Things have changed a LOT in that time.

When I last had rats, they were kept singly in cages not much bigger than the mouse cages you see in pet stores.

Now they are kept in big spacious houses or cages. And often given free range for hours at a time.

It is now common practise for rats to be kept in (same-sex)pairs or groups, or speyed/neutered and kept together. The current thinking is that rats are sociable creatures and can suffer from isolation and lonliness.

And it's known that if girls are speyed by 6 months,they suffer less from tumors. And males benefit too, they have a far lower incidence of getting hind quarter paralysis.

Although, speying/neuteringisn't compulsory, it is a great way to make sure that there isn't the pitter-patter of tiny rattie feet. tells us some interesting rattie facts, including that a group of rats is called a "mischief"


I am getting two girls in January. Dora is an elder rattie of 2.5 and her daughter Freddie is a spry 1.5. They are both speyed.

I am also getting a little man named Nero. His cage mate passed away, so his mum thinks he will be happier in a new home and with new friends. He is about the same age as Freddie.

In the space of a week I have gone from none to three ratties.

If I find out the name if this apparent phenomenon, I'll let you know

until my next post,

may all your raisins be of the fruit variety!!

*EDIT* I am now not getting the two girls, they are going to an established rattery that has experience with elder now Nero will be an only rat, and I am on the lookout for companions

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rats 12 Days of Christmas

on the first day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............raisins and smelly pee

on the second day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............cream cheese licked off fingers, raisins and smelly pee

on the third day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, raisins and smelly pee

on the fourth day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks cream cheese licked off fingers, raisins and smelly pee

on the fifth day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............lots of bruxing, demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, raisins and smelly pee

on the sixth day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............empy food dishes (what's new)lots of bruxing, demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, raisins and smelly pee

on the seventh day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............lots of facial grooming, empy food dishes (what's new)lots of bruxing, demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, raisins and smelly pee

on the eighth day of Christmas, my rattie gave to unexpected litter, lots of facial grooming, empy food dishes (what's new)lots of bruxing, demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, raisins and smelly pee

on the ninth day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............his horde of half-chewed food, an unexpected litter, lots of facial grooming, empy food dishes (what's new)lots of bruxing, demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, raisins and smelly pee

on the tenth day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............leaping rattie madness, his horde of half-chewed food, an unexpected litter, lots of facial grooming, empy food dishes (what's new)lots of bruxing, demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, and raisins and smelly pee

on the eleventh day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............a belly for scritching, leaping rattie madness, his horde of half-chewed food, an unexpected litter, lots of facial grooming, empy food dishes (what's new)lots of bruxing, demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, and raisins and smelly pee

on the twelfh day of Christmas, my rattie gave to me..............all the love I asked for, a belly fat for scritching, leaping rattie madness, his horde of half-chewed food, an unexpected litter, lots of facial grooming, empy food dishes (what's new)lots of bruxing, demolished tissue boxes, holes chewed in hammocks, cream cheese licked off fingers, and raisins and smelly pee

fine print......this is my original take on a traditional Christmas Carol. I have full copyright of this work. It is NOT to be used (in whole or part) anywhere, without the express permission of the author (me!!)